Should you merely wish to discuss your situation with an actual attorney to learn more, you are free to schedule a phone consultation. Please email or call for such a request. The FREE phone consultation will last up to 15 minutes.
The Novel Corona Virus’s mortality rate is eclipsed by the rate of hospitalization. The best way to prepare is to have powers of attorney for yourself and anyone whom you might be responsible for should they fall ill. Upon entry into a hospital, these forms will be critical to authorize the hospital personnel to discuss your sick loved one’s condition & to allow you to make decisions on their behalf immediately. Even under healthy times when you’ll return to travel, these POAs are essential for grandparents to assume temporary custody or a business partner to make critical, time sensitive decisions!
Without powers of attorney, the hospitalized patient’s own family may not be able to access information, make medical decisions or even withdraw money or use a credit card absent a court order.
Our Power of Attorney package will ensure you have Statutory and Medical Power of Attorney documents along with a HIPAA Release ready for your signature. Keep this package ready for an emergency hospital run, God Forbid. Any decision thereafter (regarding bank accounts, lease agreements, mortgagors, business, etc.) will then be made with ease.
Included in this Package:
Our wills have been drafted by expert probate attorneys and have been upheld time and time again in local Texas Courts. And before they are sent to you, a Goldberg Law attorney will draft and review your Will for accuracy. The same cannot be said for nationally based online giants that peddle cheap templates that Texas judges have regularly refused to recognize.
Included in this Package:
Complex conditions may call for a highly specialized Will with accompanying documentation to fit your specific conditions.
Should you:
your Will must have certain provisions to ensure it is definitive and upheld once probated. For this Advanced Will Package, one of our in-house attorneys focused only on probate law will speak with you directly to ensure that the Will drafted will match your needs perfectly.
Included in this Package:
2507 Calumet Street
Houston, Texas 77004
Phone: 713-942-0600
Fax: 713-942-0601
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